Alien spotters have claimed a gigantic Atlantis-style alien city is hidden beneath the waters of the Gulf of California

Alien spotters have claimed a gigantic Atlantis-style alien city is hidden beneath the waters of the Gulf of California
UFO believers are currently sharing pictures from Google Maps which show a series of lines beneath the waves. Most people would just dismiss them as a natural formation, but the ever-excitable people of the alien-hunting online underworld have decided there’s something much more exciting going on.

“This is an amazingly large alien base,” wrote Scott Waring, publisher of UFO Sightings Daily.
“It’s huge so there’s no wonder we hear of so many UFO sightings over Mexico.”
He said there was a “100% chance” of it being “an intelligently made structure” and called for fellow ET hunters to get out and do some diving to find out exactly what was going on down there.
“It’s so close, so accessible that it has to be explored further,” he added.
“Maybe the Discovery Channel, History Channel or National Geographic would fund such a mission and make a show.”
Waring and his chums recently found a bizarre pyramid structure deep in the ocean which they also believe is an alien base, although it’s a bit more bijoux.
The extraterrestrial investigators pored over Google Maps to locate a strange “perfect pyramid” at the bottom of deep waters off the coast of Mexico.

This led them to suggest it was either an 11 mile wide “parked UFO”, or merely an alien encampment at the bottom of the sea.
Waring wrote: “Even if this is not a UFO that landed in the ocean that was being used as an alien base, it still is a monumental discovery.”