Mysterious Mass Grave Found in Wales May Contain Bodies of Vikings’ Slaves

Mysterious Mass Grave Found in Wales May Contain Bodies of Vikings’ Slaves

Mysterious Mass Grave Found in Wales May Contain Bodies of Vikings’ Slaves Archaeologists have uncovered a mysterious mass grave dating back 1,600 years in Wales containing the remains of 86 individuals. Researchers are now attempting to explain strange characteristics regarding the people’s age, gender and race. Could these remains be those of slaves brought there by the Vikings? The discovery […]

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Archaeologists Find 24 Bronze Statues, Preserved in Tuscan Spa for 2,300 Years

Archaeologists Find 24 Bronze Statues, Preserved in Tuscan Spa for 2,300 Years

Archaeologists Find 24 Bronze Statues, Preserved in Tuscan Spa for 2,300 Years Archaeologists have been excavating ancient thermal baths outside Siena, Italy, since 2019. But just last month, peeking out through the mud and water, small unidentified fragments slowly began to appear: a hand, an elbow, a glimmering coin. Since then, researchers have unearthed 24 perfectly preserved bronze statues dating […]

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Archaeologists Discover and Crack an Intact, 1,000-Year-Old Chicken Egg

Archaeologists Discover and Crack an Intact, 1,000-Year-Old Chicken Egg

Archaeologists Discover and Crack an Intact, 1,000-Year-Old Chicken Egg The Israel Antiquities Authority has discovered a fully intact 1,000-year-old chicken egg during recent excavations in a town named Yavne. The archaeologists said the thousand-year-old egg was perfectly preserved by being initially pillowed in soft human poop inside the cesspit. According to IAA, “the egg had a small crack in the bottom […]

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Kayakers find an 8,000-year-old human skull in Minnesota

Kayakers find an 8,000-year-old human skull in Minnesota

Kayakers find an 8,000-year-old human skull in Minnesota The skull belonged to a Native American man who likely lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. When a pair of kayakers spotted a skull fragment near the Minnesota River in 2021, local authorities thought they might have a new clue to a missing-persons case. But a forensic examination revealed something much more surprising: The […]

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Two Viking Ships Unearthed Reveal Extremely Rare Viking Burial Practices

Two Viking Ships Unearthed Reveal Extremely Rare Viking Burial Practices

Two Viking Ships Unearthed Reveal Extremely Rare Viking Burial Practices Incredibly revealing burials found inside two Viking ships have been unearthed in Sweden. Archaeologists are never entirely certain what they will find when they begin digging in any given location. History lends them clues, of course, about the settlements established nearby and what may be found deep within the earth. […]

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2,400-Year-Old Baskets Still Filled With Fruit Found in Submerged Egyptian City

2,400-Year-Old Baskets Still Filled With Fruit Found in Submerged Egyptian City

2,400-Year-Old Baskets Still Filled With Fruit Found in Submerged Egyptian City Wicker vessels recovered from the ruins of Thônis-Heracleion contain doum nuts and grape seeds. Researchers investigating the submerged metropolis of Thônis-Heracleion, in the Egyptian bay of Abū Qīr, have discovered wicker fruit baskets dated to the fourth century B.C.E. Incredibly, the vessels still contain doum nuts—the fruit of an African […]

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Archaeologists in Israel Unearth 3,800-Year-Old Skeleton of Baby Buried in a Jar

Archaeologists in Israel Unearth 3,800-Year-Old Skeleton of Baby Buried in a Jar

Archaeologists in Israel Unearth 3,800-Year-Old Skeleton of Baby Buried in a Jar Researchers are unsure of the unusual funerary practice’s purpose, but one theory posits that the vessel serves as a symbolic womb. Archaeologists excavating a site in Jaffa, Israel, recently made a macabre discovery: a 3,800-year-old jar containing the skeleton of a baby. As Ariel David reports for Haaretz, […]

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Underground Labyrinth With Secret Passages, Tunnels In Dobrogea Plateau, Romania

Underground Labyrinth With Secret Passages, Tunnels In Dobrogea Plateau, Romania

Underground Labyrinth With Secret Passages, Tunnels In Dobrogea Plateau, Romania In many cases, the world below us is just as fascinating as the ground we walk on. Across Europe, there is a hidden, often millennia-old subterranean realm of tunnels stretching from the north in Scotland leading down to the Mediterranean. It is an underground world of never-ending tunnels, massive caves, […]

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1,600-Year-Old Elongated Skull with Stone-Encrusted Teeth Found in Mexico Ruins

1,600-Year-Old Elongated Skull with Stone-Encrusted Teeth Found in Mexico Ruins

1,600-Year-Old Elongated Skull with Stone-Encrusted Teeth Found in Mexico Ruins Archaeologists in Mexico have recently uncovered a 1,600-year-old skeleton of a woman who had mineral-encrusted teeth and an intentionally elongated skull – evidence that suggests she was part of her society’s upper-class. While it isn’t uncommon for archaeologists to find deformed remains, the new skeleton is one of the most […]

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