One of the strangest ghost ship stories ever: It sailed the seas, unmanned for 38 years!

One of the strangest ghost ship stories ever: It sailed the seas, unmanned for 38 years!
Built-in 1914, this steam-powered cargo ship became part of the British Hudson Bay Company in 1921

This steam-powered cargo ship was built in 1914 and in 1921 became part of the British Hudson Bay Company.
But her crew lost her (whoops!) in 1931 and she went on a solo voyage. Could she still be out there?
Built-in Sweden in 1914, the SS Baychimo is, after being abandoned in 1931, at the center of a mystery.
Originally known as the Ångermanelfven, the ship began life in Sweden and spent its early working life on the commercial route to Hamburg.
She moved to Scotland after World War 1 and became part of the fleet of the Hudson Bay Company under her new name.
She ferried furs, tobacco, sugar, tea, and weapons to visit the trading posts along the Canadian coast.
In late 1931 she became trapped in the ice off the coast of Alaska and the crew had to be airlifted to safety. A few hardy men stayed behind to keep an eye on the ship, building makeshift shelters half a mile away on the beach and settling in for a long winter.
The plan was to wait until the summer, keep an eye on the ship and sail her home when the ice melted, but the weather had different ideas.

The temperature rose, melting the ice, and a huge storm blew up. The men were confined to their shacks for shelter for three whole days. When they emerged, the boat was gone.
Everyone assumed the SS Baychimo had sunk, but a few days later an Inuit seal hunter spotted her floating about 45 miles away. The ship’s Captain, Sydney Cornwell, caught up with her and decided to unload the cargo as he felt she was no longer safe. The crew left her floating in the arctic ocean. The mystery of the 1,000-year-old stone circle in Brazil that’s left experts baffled The ‘ghost ship’ that ‘reappears every 50 years’ after all the crew were killed on it 300 years ago Despite the Captain’s feeling that the ship wasn’t seaworthy she defied expectations and was spotted 250 miles away several months later.
The sightings continued for many years as she travelled the seas alone and multiple, failed, attempts have been made to recover the ship.
The last sighting was in 1969 when she was seen stuck in the ice, again, off the Alaskan coast.
The Alaskan government have made attempts to find her but to no avail and with no wreckage ever found, there is a chance she is still out there in the icy waters near the north pole.

Another ship which fell victim to the unforgiving ice around the poles was Schooner Jenny.
After becoming trapped near the South Pole, the crew perished as they ran out of food.
The spooky sailboat was discovered in 1840 by the crew of a whaling ship.
Climbing on board they were met by a grisly sight. The remains of the Captain, still sitting at his desk, pen in hand. His last log entry?
“May 4, 1823. No food for 71 days. I am the only one left alive.”