Mystery behind inscription on rock in French cove solved after 230 years

Mystery behind inscription on rock in French cove solved after 230 years

Mystery behind inscription on rock in French cove solved after 230 years A competition was launched to help decipher the mysterious inscription, 230 years old, found on a rock slab discovered on the coast of Brittany and reveals the story of a tragic death at sea. When one thinks of Brittany in northwestern France the megalithic Carnac stones generally come to mind. The vast astronomical observatory of […]

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Trial begins for archaeologist accused of forging earliest portrayal of Jesus’ crucifixion

Trial begins for archaeologist accused of forging earliest portrayal of Jesus' crucifixion

Trial begins for archaeologist accused of forging earliest portrayal of Jesus’ crucifixion A prominent archaeologist is on trial for supposedly forging what may be the crucifixion’s earliest image. The Basque archaeologist Eliseo Gil is on the court for allegedly defrauding his profession and a museum by faking artefacts that he claimed came from a Roman settlement that he had discovered […]

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How Jesus died: Archaeologist Found rare evidence of Roman crucifixion uncovered in Italy

How Jesus died: Archaeologist Found rare evidence of Roman crucifixion uncovered in Italy

How Jesus died: Archaeologist Found rare evidence of Roman crucifixion uncovered in Italy The body of a man buried in northern Italy 2,000 years ago shows signs that he died after being nailed to a wooden cross, the technique used for the execution of Jesus described in the Christian Bible. In spite of the fact crucifixion was a common form of capital […]

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Massive 60-tonne log over 40,000 years old is found buried underneath a New Zealand swamp – and it could help explain one of Earth’s biggest mysteries

Massive 60-tonne log over 40,000 years old is found buried underneath a New Zealand swamp - and it could help explain one of Earth’s biggest mysteries

An enormous Kauri swamp log unearthed by Kaikohe is around 40,500 years old and could bring new light on a mysterious global event that might have had a dramatic impact on the climate of the planet. During excavation for a new geothermal power station near Ngāwhā Springs the log, which is 16 m long and weighs 60 tonnes, was found. […]

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How Scientists Resolved the Mystery of the Devil’s Corkscrews

How Scientists Resolved the Mystery of the Devil’s Corkscrews

How Scientists Resolved the Mystery of the Devil’s Corkscrews Devil’s corkscrew is one of America’s strangest and most mysterious land formations. Fossils come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.  Sometimes it’s fairly simple to figure out what sort of organism a fossil is from, other times, it’s less clear.  The weathering of the native sandstone reveals so often fossiled […]

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The Mystery of the Easter Island Statues May Finally be Solved

The Mystery of the Easter Island Statues May Finally be Solved

On the coast of the remote island, there is a high concentration of the 900 statues and researchers have always wondered why -until now. Over centuries both fascinated and puzzled archaeologists were the famous statues that dotted the coast of remote Easter Island in the Southeast Pacific. Now, a team of archeologists claims to have answered one of the biggest questions about the mysterious figures of the stone: why they were built in the first place. The main water source for the inhabitants […]

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Rabbit hole in the farmer’s field leads to ‘mystery caves’

Rabbit hole in the farmer's field leads to 'mystery caves'

Rabbit hole in the farmer’s field leads to ‘mystery caves’ An outstanding discovery was made when a 700-year-old Knights Templar cave was found in a complex known as the Caynton Caves Network under a farmer’s field in Shropshire, England. The Templar Knights was a major Catholic order which was famous during the Crusades and their name comes from Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. […]

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