5,000-year-old NYC-style metropolis uncovered in northern Israel

5,000-year-old NYC-style metropolis uncovered in northern Israel

5,000-year-old NYC-style metropolis uncovered in northern Israel HARISH, IN THE NORTH OF ISRAEL — During new roadwork near Israel’s newest settlement, Harish, a massive 5,000-year-old metropolis of 6,000 inhabitants was discovered. The 160-acre city (over 650 dunam) is Israel’s largest Early Bronze Age settlement, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority. In an IAA video, excavation co-director Dr. Yitzhak Paz said, […]

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An inside look at one of the last San Francisco neighborhoods to be taken over by big tech – and how change has come to the area anyway

An inside look at one of the last San Francisco neighborhoods to be taken over by big tech - and how change has come to the area anyway

An inside look at one of the last San Francisco neighborhoods to be taken over by big tech – and how change has come to the area anyway Even though it has a long History and a six-story stone tower, Most San Francisco residents, Including those who drive by it every day, are unaware that Albion Castle exists. Built in […]

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3300-year-old baboon skull may tell of mysterious ancient kingdom

3300-year-old baboon skull may tell of mysterious ancient kingdom

3300-year-old baboon skull may tell of mysterious ancient kingdom Ancient Egyptians traveled great distances to the enchanted Land of Punt to obtain luxurious items such as incense and living baboons, but the true location of this wondrous place has remained a mystery to scientists for more than a century – until now. Dartmouth College researchers have set out to discover […]

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66-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Skin Impression Discovered In Spain

66-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Skin Impression Discovered In Spain

66-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Skin Impression Discovered In Spain In Spain, detailed skin impressions of a giant dinosaur discovered 66 million years ago in a muddy riverbank have been discovered. The fossil was created over centuries by sand petrifying into sedimentary rock, and it clearly shows the pattern of massive scales that once lined the creature’s hide. The prints are thought to […]

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Massive hoard of mummified cats and other animals found in ancient Egyptian tombs

Massive hoard of mummified cats and other animals found in ancient Egyptian tombs

Massive hoard of mummified cats and other animals found in ancient Egyptian tombs The more archaeologists find in ancient Egypt’s tombs, the more evidence accumulates that ancient Egyptians admired cats and loved mummifying them. A team of Egyptian archaeologists excavating a 4,500-year-old tomb near Cairo uncovered hundreds of mummified cats, according to Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities. There were also 100 […]

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5,000-Year-Old Rock Painting Suggests a Nativity Scene 3,000 Years Before Jesus’ birth

5,000-Year-Old Rock Painting Suggests a Nativity Scene 3,000 Years Before Jesus’ birth

5,000-Year-Old Rock Painting Suggests a Nativity Scene 3,000 Years Before Jesus’ birth Researchers in Italy have uncovered what they assume to be the world’s oldest nativity scene: 5,000-year-old rock art depicting a star in the east, a newborn between parents, and two animals. The scene, painted in reddish-brown ochre, was found on the ceiling of a small cavity in the […]

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Archaeological project discovers 3,400-year-old family made out of sandstone in Egypt

Archaeological project discovers 3,400-year-old family made out of sandstone in Egypt

Archaeological project discovers 3,400-year-old family made out of sandstone in Egypt Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered statues of two families in shrines that were previously believed to have been destroyed by an ancient earthquake. They found it at Gebel el Silsila, a quarry on both sides of the Nile River whose rock was used in most of ancient Egypt’s great […]

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Czech archaeologists discover new tomb of an Egyptian princess, are surprised that she was buried among non-royals

Czech archaeologists discover new tomb of an Egyptian princess, are surprised that she was buried among non-royals

Czech archaeologists discover new tomb of an Egyptian princess, are surprised that she was buried among non-royals An official from Egypt’s antiquities ministry said Saturday that Czech archaeologists discovered the 4,500-year-old tomb of a Pharaonic princess south of Cairo, suggesting that other undiscovered tombs could be in the area. Princess Shert Nebti’s tomb is surrounded by the tombs of four […]

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Second church found in the ancient city of Adramyttion in Turkey

Second church found in the ancient city of Adramyttion in Turkey

Second church found in the ancient city of Adramyttion in Turkey A 1,200-year-old church has been discovered in Adramytteion in the western province of Balkesir’s Burhaniye district, making it the city’s second church. The excavations, carried out by a team of 30 people and consulted by Assistant Professor Hüseyin Murat Özgen, continued in the ancient city in the Ören neighborhood, […]

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