Astronomers find the world’s biggest natural diamond, which weighs 10 billion trillion trillion carats.

Astronomers find the world’s biggest natural diamond, which weighs 10 billion trillion trillion carats.

The universe’s biggest diamond is not found on Earth. In reality, it is a star called BPM 37093 or V886 Centauri, which is a white dwarf.
A white dwarf star is a “dead” or “lost” star. V886 Centauri is shaped like a diamond and floats in space. The core of the white dwarf star is thought to be a diamond with 10 quadrillion carats.
The star V886 Centauri is in the constellation Centaurus. It is 50 light-years away from Earth. It is a bright light that flashes and pulses all the time. The pulsations were watched to find out what was inside the star.
Most of the star is made up of carbon and oxygen, but scientists who studied the star’s insides found that some of the carbon has turned into a huge diamond.
Diamonds form as the white dwarf star cools down and its material crystallizes from the center outward. The star is about 4000 kilometers across.
Scientists say that more than 90% of the mass of V886 Centauri has already solidified.
The name “Lucy” was given to the star V886 Centauri in honor of the Beatles’ hit song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” Astronomers say it’s the largest diamond in the universe and proof that the Solar System was meant to be.
Scientists say that after five billion years, our Sun could die and turn into a white dwarf star. It’s likely that it will also change into a V886 Centauri that looks like a diamond.