Scientists Explain The Possible Existence Of Reptilian Humanoids

Scientists Explain The Possible Existence Of Reptilian Humanoids

Scientists Explain The Possible Existence Of Reptilian Humanoids Famous chemist Ronald Breslow PhD has recently released a paper (i.e. “Could ‘advanced’ dinosaurs rule other planets”) explaining the possibility that an ancient advanced Reptilian species could exist somewhere in the universe. The paper was published by the American Chemical Society. (American Chemical Society) – “New scientific research raises the possibility that advanced versions of T. Rex […]

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Could game theory help discover intelligent alien life?

Could game theory help discover intelligent alien life?

Could game theory help discover intelligent alien life? New research from The University of Manchester suggests using a strategy linked to cooperative game playing known as ‘game theory’ in order to maximise the potential of finding intelligent alien life. If advanced alien civilisations exist in our galaxy and are trying to communicate with us, what’s the best way to find […]

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Prehistoric aliens in Malta? Hypogeum’s trove of elongated skulls to get cutting-edge study

Prehistoric aliens in Malta? Hypogeum’s trove of elongated skulls to get cutting-edge study

Prehistoric aliens in Malta? Hypogeum’s trove of elongated skulls to get cutting-edge study In the oldest underground temple and necropolis in the world – the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, here in Malta – was discovered a collection of skulls that show peculiar abnormalities and/or pathologies: sometimes inexistent cranial knitting lines abnormally developed temporal partitions; evidence of drilling and swelling at the back of the […]

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Mysterious Alien Signal Originating From Proxima Centauri Baffles Experts

Mysterious Alien Signal Originating From Proxima Centauri Baffles Experts

Mysterious Alien Signal Originating From Proxima Centauri Baffles Experts It’s never aliens—until it is. On December 18th news leaked in the British newspaper the Guardian of a mysterious signal coming from the closest star to our own, Proxima Centauri, a star too dim to see from Earth with the naked eye that is nonetheless a cosmic stone’s throw away at […]

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Alien spotters have claimed a gigantic Atlantis-style alien city is hidden beneath the waters of the Gulf of California

Alien spotters have claimed a gigantic Atlantis-style alien city is hidden beneath the waters of the Gulf of California

Alien spotters have claimed a gigantic Atlantis-style alien city is hidden beneath the waters of the Gulf of California UFO believers are currently sharing pictures from Google Maps which show a series of lines beneath the waves. Most people would just dismiss them as a natural formation, but the ever-excitable people of the alien-hunting online underworld have decided there’s something […]

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