Russian soldiers ‘turned to stone after a shoot-out with Aliens!

Russian soldiers ‘turned to stone after a shoot-out with Aliens!

Russian soldiers ‘turned to stone after a shoot-out with Aliens!

KGB was once the most powerful security agencies in the world, and they played a crucial role in turning the Soviet Union into an unquestionable world power until its break up in 1991. Now, a set of declassified CIA files has revealed the shocking fate faced by a bunch of KGB soldiers when they encountered a UFO during the peak time of the cold war.

It should be noted that these documents which were actually dissolved by USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 were later obtained by the CIA, and it has unveiled a scenario where science fiction came to real life.

In the documents, Gorbachev himself reveals that UFOs do exist, and thorough investigation is needed to unravel the mysteries surrounding these flying objects.

Russian soldiers ‘turned to stone after a shoot-out with Aliens!

The development first began when a group of red, green and yellow flying objects was seen hovering above military bases in Antarctica. Later, a team of KGB soldiers spotted a flying saucer, and they shot it down.

“According to the KGB materials, a quite low-flying spaceship in the shape of a saucer appeared above a military unit that was conducting routine training maneuvers. For unknown reasons, somebody unexpectedly launched a surface-to-air missile and hit the UFO.

It fell to Earth not far away, and five short humanoids with ‘large heads and large black eyes’ emerged from it,” the declassified document says, Dailystar reports.

As the UFO crash-landed, five creatures, possibly aliens with large heads and big eyes came out and launched an attack on the soldiers. During the attack, aliens used highly advanced weapons, and they soon turned these soldiers into stone poles.

“After freeing themselves from the debris, the aliens came close together and then ‘merged into a single object that acquired a spherical shape. That object began to buzz and hiss sharply and then became a brilliant white.

In a few seconds, the spheres grew much bigger and exploded by flaring up with an extremely bright light. At that very instant, 23 soldiers who had watched the phenomenon turned into stone poles,” the document continued.

Two soldiers escaped from the alleged alien attacks. The remnants of the victims which turned to limestones were later taken away to a secret military base.

The story of the alleged alien attack has now gone viral online, and conspiracy theorists have started arguing that this incident is irrefutable proof of alien existence.

As per these theorists, the advanced weapons used by aliens can transform the material composition of living beings, and such weapons are still unknown to earthly beings.

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